Taking a mini holiday to a local hotel for A/C plus other amenities helps my boyfriend relax.

My boyfriend likes to escape reality from time to time. I don’t mind it because while he’s gone, I have my alone time, as well. He likes to go about an hour and a half away from where we live and stay at a nice, cozy hotel. These mini vacations may not seem extravagant, but they do wonders to help him relax. For a few days, he doesn’t worry about work, cooking, housework, and whatever else he might help me do around the house. I takes advantage of the pool, and exercises in the hotel’s gym. He watches TV and takes advantage of the hotels paid channels, he even takes long, hot showers because he doesn’t have to worry about the water bill. He cranks the air conditioned unit up in his room to blast the a/c on its highest setting. Since he doesn’t have to worry about bills, he goes all out there. Running the A/C at house is a luxury that we don’t allow ourselves to do, since a/c can run up our electric bill. He likes to run the air conditioner to the point our room becomes too chilly, because he likes to bundle up with extra blankets. He tries to stay in cheaper hotels, but in all honesty, he doesn’t care about the cost per night. It’s his one time to splurge, so he goes all out. When it comes time for him to head home, he’s ready to get back to reality and be productive. I always miss him while he’s gone, but it’s something he needs to keep his sanity. And like I said, I don’t mind it.


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